Emerging Technology Training

  • Friday, September 06, 2024
  • 10:00 AM
  • Legal Aid Society of Westchester County Training Center, 150 Grand St White Plains, NY 10601


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Emerging Technology Training

Sponsored By:
Chief Defenders Association of New York (CDANY)
Legal Aid Society of Westchester County

with support from
New York State Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NYSACDL)

Friday, September 6, 2024


Legal Aid Society of Westchester County Training Center
150 Grand St
White Plains, NY 10601

7.5 Credits

Program Chairs:
Sherry Levin Wallach
Joanne Macri


  • 10:00am: Introduction
    • Clare Degnan, ED LASW & Immediate Past-President, CDANY

  • 10:15am - 11:45am: Explaining Basics of Emerging Tech & AI – 1.5 credits
This panel will provide an introduction into Emerging Technologies and Artificial Intelligence. The speakers will explain Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Generative AI. They will also discuss digital finance and currencies and digital assets. They will explain blockchain technology and Web3.

  • 11:50am - 12:40pm: AI Policies & Best Practices – 1 credits (Ethics)
    • Moderator: Clare Degnan
    • Speaker: Dan Jasnow, Esq., Partner & Co-Leader, AI, Metaverse & Blockchain Industry Group, ArentFox Schiff
A discussion about the importance of the use and implementation of AI policies and best practices as well as ethics of its use.

  • 12:40pm – 1:30pm: Lunch (Included)

  • 1:30pm - 2:20pm: Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Cases: Deep Fakes and Hallucinations - 1 Credit
A discussion of the issues artificial intelligence presents for criminal practitioners. Exploring deep fakes, biases and hallucinations and their impact on practice.

  • 2:20pm - 2:30pm: Break

  • 2:30pm - 3:20pm: Update on Uses of AI By Law Enforcement - 1 Credit

This discussion will focus on the various AI tools currently in use by law enforcement, and their challenges. 

  • 3:25pm - 4:50pm: Discovery & Motions in Emerging Tech: FRS, AI, Crypto – 1.5 credits
    • Speaker: Clare Garvie, Esq., Training and Resource Counsel, Fourth Amendment Center, NACDL
Discussion and overview of how to litigate cases involving the use of AI, ML and Gen. AI. What discovery should be requested and what experts are needed. How to handle Frye hearings in the age of Gen AI.

  • 4:55pm - 5:55pm: A Discussions of Regulations Related to AI with a Focus on New York State - 1 Credit 
    • Moderator: Sherry Levin Wallach
    • Speaker: Dr. Dorothy Auth

  • 6pm - 8pm: Closing Reception

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